A few reminders::
→ Please, spell out card names COMPLETELY. (ie. cardname01, cardname02)
→ If you want to include the signature/mc in our trade you can either use the comment box or use the other forms of contact.
→ If you do not receive an answer within a week, please ensure the trade is still in my pending/log section to see if I recieved it. If in fact, I do not receive anything, please use the others form of contact. Thank you in advance.
How to contact me::
Feel free to contact me via these other ways if needed.
Discord twomoons#8829
DWs post
Trading terms::
→ Not trading: Collecting and future decks.
→ Please do not offer me cards for my Pretty section.
→ Will trade keeping decks for others in collecting or future.
→ Cards in trading are tradeable for anything.

Cards You Want
Cards You'll Give Me
Member Cards?